

Updated: October 2023

Summer 2023

129,000 trees were planted in the final field.

Spring 2023

We established a community-owned nursery in Mapeti and prepared 16,177 seedlings of native timber trees and cacao.

Spring 2023

We set up 47 new beehives in Kalungura and Mabalako villages, benefiting 20 families by generating extra income through honey sales, organized by our partner, IDAD

Spring 2023

The local partner IDAD trained 705 farmers in agroforestry management, enhancing their knowledge of organic agriculture, cacao cultivation, soil health, and various timber species suitable for cacao integration.

Spring 2023

131 individuals received beekeeping training from our local partner IDAD, a crucial aspect of farmers’ income in the Virunga area.

Spring 2023

Along with IDAD’s support, we established a total of 14 new nurseries. These nurseries have raised 129,997 seedlings, which will be ready for planting in the final field later this year.

Spring 2023

IDAD has assisted 159 families, mainly women, in organic vegetable cultivation for personal use and local market sales. This effort has yielded 94,000 kg of vegetables, promoting both healthy diets and increased income for these families.

Winter 2022

An additional 328 beehives were set up by local farmers with IDAD’s assistance. Over 100 families stand to benefit from this initiative, which will enhance their income through honey sales.

Winter 2022

Timber and cacao seedlings were provided to 533 families participating in IDAD’s program. Each family will cultivate approximately one soccer field of new forest or cacao agroforestry systems, resulting in a total of 533 soccer fields of cacao forests grown in just one year.

Winter 2022

A total of 1,299 women have received training from IDADS’ local field team. The training programs covered various areas, including sewing, gender equality, vegetable cultivation, beekeeping, and leadership.

Autumn 2022

An IDAD-organized cooperative harvested and sold a total of 1,183 liters of honey which even includes a shop in the city of Beni, the capital of North-Kivu.

Autumn 2022

IDAD expanded their support for mushroom cultivation to 13 villages around Virunga National Park as part of their food sovereignty program. This effort resulted in the harvest of 253 kg of mushrooms, providing local families with a healthy addition to their diet.

Autumn 2022

We established a new community-managed nursery in Mambale, raising a total of 25,203 seedlings, including 10,160 timber trees and 15,043 cacao trees.

Summer 2022

30 women participated in additional mushroom cultivation training to enhance food security for their families, particularly in the rural areas near the Virunga National Park buffer zone.

Summer 2022

20 beehives were established in Cantine village by our local partner IDAD, creating an additional income source for farmers. This initiative also helps educate families about the importance of forests and provides them with an economic incentive to protect these vital ecosystems.

Summer 2022

A six-month education program was designed specifically for young single mothers to learn sewing and prepare them for starting their own businesses. This impactful program was organized by IDAD, our local partner. As a result, 33 women, aged 18 to 35, successfully graduated in sewing.

Summer 2022

A six-month education program was designed specifically for young single mothers to learn sewing and prepare them for starting their own businesses. This impactful program was organized by IDAD, our local partner. As a result, 33 women, aged 18 to 35, successfully graduated in sewing.

Summer 2022

We established a new community-managed nursery in Irango, producing a total of 23,000 seedlings, including 11,003 different timber tree species and 11,997 cacao seedlings.

Spring 2022

The community of the village of Kambya raises 21.742 seedlings of timber and cacao trees in their nursery and distributes them to the growers who will use them to improve their cacao forests.

Winter 2021

Our local partner is organizing beekeeping training courses for additional 52 growers.

Autumn 2021

Our local Bean Team finances NGO IDAD in finishing their yearly budgets and timelines. They manage to do so a year ahead due to technical assistance and nursery management in the Virunga area.

Summer 2021

Despite the COVID pandemic and international logistic problems Original Beans manages to keep importing from D.R. Congo. The local team keeps purchasing fresh cacao from farmers in remote areas thereby creating vital income.

Spring 2021

Our partners planted trees in rural areas in the buffer zone of the Virunga national park.

Spring 2021

Our Bean Team helped raise 53.618 cacao seedlings and 3.508 tree seedlings in six nurseries.

Winter 2020

Our local Bean Team provided training courses for 166 cacao growers in nursery management, tree planting and agroforestry practices.

Autumn 2020

Our partners distributed 92.865 seedlings to over 100 families, growing and improving their agroforestry cacao systems.

Summer 2020

Our partners has set up nurseries for 100.000 timber wood seedlings in 5 villages.


Spring 2020

Our cacao farmers built new nurseries to grow native forest tree species and increase capacity building for the future. 

Winter 2019

Our partners organized training courses for Ebola prevention for over 1.800 families in 10 rural districts.


Autumn 2019

Our partners planted 73.998 cacao and native timber tree seedlings.


Summer 2019

Our Bean Team set up nurseries in 5 villages (Maboloko, Malese, Visiki, Kenembahore, Apiuthu) to grow 75.000 cacao and native timber wood seedlings to improve agroforestry systems.


Spring 2019

Our partners trained 184 children in schools in Mabalako for Ebola prevention. Original Beans also donated soap & disinfection equipment.


Spring 2019

IDAD began an anti-Ebola campaign among cacao growers.

Autumn 2017

IDAD moved into new offices in Beni, DRC.

Spring 2016

Our partners made the first-ever locally produced chocolate. 

Spring 2014

Our Bean Team collaborated with the Virunga movie campaign.

Autumn 2013

Our partners launched the initiative for sustainable agroforestry (IDAD).

Autumn 2012

Our Bean Team began a partnership with DFID UK.

Autumn 2010

We launched the Virunga 70% chocolate.

Visit the complete timeline of this project. 


Hints of morello cherries, earthy chocolate and black tea are revealed as the rare Virunga melts in your mouth. The depth of a rare Amelonado cacao embodies the last mountain gorillas that inhabit Virunga National Park.