
Look who feeds the world.
Women do!


Do you know who produces most of the world’s food? Farming women in developing countries. Not Big Food companies (who like to stake that claim). And if women farmers were given more resources, they could reduce malnutrition by some 15% globally!

As an Original Beans customer your purchase directly goes to supporting hundreds of women farmers in eight cacao regions. Take the example of Virunga in Eastern Congo where your purchases have helped to teach women to read and write, acquire land, grow more and better food for their families, earn cash from cacao to send their kids to school, grow hundred thousands of trees and organize themselves better and stronger.

Together let’s celebrate women farmers as they feed the world and help produce strong chocolates for you. Meet a few here and keep supporting them!


“From my income and my profession as cacao grower I can help my community and family in various ways.“

Meet Aldedonde Changavo Kavugho. The 32 year old Congolese lives with her husband and family in Irango village next to Virunga National Park. She grows cacao and owns the rights to a small fishery. Aldedonde has benefitted much from Original Beans Femmes de Virunga project and she is actively giving back to her family and community.


“Since I cultivate cacao, my life has changed. Being a cacao grower has had a positive impact on my family too and our current life is much better than it was before.”

Besides growing and selling cacao, Kavugho Vakalani Georgette also grows and sells white beans on the local farmer markets near Bianga village adjacent to Virunga Park. Last year she received training in bee keeping and honey production from Original Beans local Bean Team and plans to take her honey to the market as well.



“Cacao Cultivation has changed my life. I no longer delay paying school fees and medical care for my children”.

Pascaline Kasoki grows cacao trees and vegetables in her fields which are an hours walk from her house. Since Original Beans pays more than the standard fair-trade market price for cacao beans, she can send all of her ten children to school.


Femmes de Virunga 55%

Essence of roasted nuts and cappuccino inspire and empower as the Femmes de Virunga takes hold of you. The strong taste of a rare Amelonado cacao honours the strength of women farmers lifting up lives in Virunga Park.