
Thank you for growing a tree!

together we regenerate what we consume in piura, peru 

Soccer fields of dry forest are being preserved

seedlings were grown in local nurseries

farmer families received organic certification

tree nurseries are up and running

Your tree grows here

Area: “Amazonas Province” or “Utcubamba river valley or Five rovers of Amazonas”
The forest: Santuario nacional Cordillera de Colán; 39 216 Ha
Rare wildlife: Military macaw, Scarlet-fronted parakeet, Long-whiskered owlet, Koepcke’s hermit … and more than 500 other bird species
Original bean: ultra rare, Genetics: Cajamarca -Amazonas
Your growers: 90 families in 3 villages



Updated: October 2023

Spring 2023

Our cacao growers planted approximately 5,000 timber trees to aid the existing cacao forests. Timber trees offer shade, enhance flora diversity on cacao farms, and help mitigate the impacts of climate change. In addition to these natural benefits, planting timber trees also offers long-term economic advantages by creating additional income for the farmers.

Winter 2022

The timber trees distributed to farmer families by our Bean Team Leader Jan, in the Piura mountain range in 2020, are thriving and growing tall and mighty. 

Winter 2022

Our local team is assisting 18 farmer families in pruning the trees on their self-owned cacao farms, which include massive 100-year-old cacao trees. This ensures increased productivity and, as a result, improved income for our growers.

Autumn 2022

Our local team trained farmers in Loma Larga to produce organic fertilizers and collaborated with the Peruvian cacao association to provide materials for 33 smallholder farmers to make their own organic liquid manure.

Summer 2022

In the community-run nursery in Pacaipampa, part of the Piura mountain range, 115,600 tree seedlings have been grown. This area is about 5 hours uphill from the cacao-growing region, where reforestation plays a vital role in protecting Piura’s watersheds.

Summer 2022

The local community in San Pablo has planted 16,665 pine trees to reforest their degraded lands and support the watersheds in the upper Piura mountains.

Visit the complete project


  • New project started in 2024
  • Area dominated by modern hybrids but the cradle of native cacao

-> just in time to preserve them by prompting the usage

  • First “Denominaction of origin” for cacao in Peru to preserve ancestral genetics
  • Close to the archaeological side Monte Grande where the oldest usage of cacao has been proven (5.500 years ago)
  • Small holder farmers | agroforestry | organic farming 
  • Made in Peru – produced in the factory of Norandino owned by smallholder farmers

“Farmers here plant timber trees to save for the retirement of themselves and their children.”

Lenin Mena,
Head of the Social Development Department,
Municipality of Paimas

Around our village more than one hundred families have improved their incomes, because they became cacao growers for Original Beans.

Daniel Lopez,
Field Officer in Puerta Pulache

PARTNERs in Piura

Amazonas 68 %

Flavours of raspberry, dried prunes and pecan divulge the secrets of this ultra rare white cacao—nature’s delicious mistake— we found along Peru’s coastal desert, the habitat of a diverse and bright butterfly collection.