Project timeline

Updated: 20 August 2020

Spring 2020

Building new drying infrastructure in Loma Larga.

Winter 2019

Built new fences to improve the protection of the dry forests. 

Autumn 2019

249000 seedlings planted.

Summer 2019

Set up nurseries for native tree species in the andean region. 

Spring 2019

Starting cooperation with Bioversity International to intensify community-driven dry forest protection projects in Piura region.

Autumn 2018

Planting of 128.800 cacao, timber wood, and native trees. 

Spring 2017

Setup of a new association in La Pareja to extend impact in the Piura region. 

Autumn 2017

Planting of 108.000 cacao, timber wood, and native tree species. 

Summer 2017

Conservation agreement for 2.800 Ha dry forest with the farmers signed. 

Autumn 2016

Planting of 125.500 cacao, timber wood, and native tree species. 

Spring 2016

Start of cooperation with the municipality of Paimas to start a massive reforestation program in the region.

Summer 2015

Set up a woman organisation to produce organic fertilizers (in Puerta Pulache). 

Spring 2015

Start cooperation with a youth organisation in Puerta Pulache to run nurseries. 

Spring 2012

Installation of clonal garden, safeguarding the genetics of Piura Blanco cacao. 


Piura 75%

Flavours of raspberry, dried prunes and pecan divulge the secrets of this ultra rare white cacao—nature’s delicious mistake— we found along Peru’s coastal desert, the habitat of a diverse and bright butterfly collection.